Monday, February 6, 2012

The Rise and Fall of Josh Hamil...Oh Just Stop it Already.

Josh Hamilton fell off the wagon. I still have no idea why I should care. I still have no idea why the media is covering it like they nailed the Kennedy assassination conspiracy. I still have no idea why there was a press conference.

A guy went out to a bar and had a few (maybe a bunch?) Miller Lites and it's the leading story of the night. Everybody's favorite recovering addict must have lost the god he found. At least long enough to knock back a few tall boys.

I don't think this is a Josh Hamilton issue.

I think the sports media has fully created this non-story from start to finish.

Hamilton has been lifted up as a hero, to be saluted and worshipped ever since he bashed his way onto the scene in 2007. His story of addiction, loss, and redemption  has been told, re-told, and re-re-told ad nauseam ever since. Hamilton is supposed to be a role model and an inspiration. This isn't fair to him. He can't be expected take up the mantle of superhero for the world when he still needs an account-abila-buddy. People were looking for the ultimate redemption story with a a Disney movie ending. Hamilton is NOT a hero. Anyone who has watched 10 minutes of Dr. Drew knows that movie is just as likely to end in tragedy as triumph.

So for Josh Hamilton's sake. For my sake. Stop it. I don't care of he drinks.  I don't care if he doesn't drink. Leave the guy alone. Let him be what he is. A ballplayer with a flawed and troubled past, and a difficult future.

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